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Next Event: 2025 Spring Themeless League

Registration Now Open!

Scroll down to register and purchase past puzzles + t-shirts!

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Note that puzzles are released on the above dates, but solvers have all week to solve the puzzle.

​2025 Spring League -- Open Submission

We will be filling one of the spots in our next Spring Themeless League with a puzzle selected from an

Open Submission process. For details, eligibility, and timeline, click below for all the information.​

Directors: Andrew Kingsley and John Lieb

Puzzle Editor: Brad Wilber

And thank you to our amazing partners. Click their logos below to check them out!

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2025 Spring League puzzle pack and all past puzzles are available for purchase below.​​​

There are three levels to the Spring Themeless League...Which one should I sign up for?


STORMY is the most challenging level, clued a bit harder than a Saturday NYT

CHOPPY is clued like a Friday NYT

SMOOTH is clued like a Tuesday NYT


Still unsure? Try out any level of the new practice puzzle below to see the level that suits you best! 

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Note: If you are unable to pay the full $30 or $40 to compete in the Spring League, there is a

$5 discount rate in the drop-down menus below that you are welcome to pay instead.  

Note: WW stands for Winter Wondersolve, our February event which includes four puzzles (three themed and one themeless). 

Note: If you aren't participating in the Spring Themeless League but would still like puzzles from the league, you can purchase all 11 here! You will receive the puzzles via email after the league ends on Tuesday, May 6th.

Boswords T-Shirts

(Mint or Navy)

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Note: We do not have Medium Mint or Navy in stock right now.

Ordering more soon!

T-Shirt -- $30

(Price includes shipping)


A percentage of the proceeds from the Boswords 2025 Winter Wondersolve will be donated to each of the three charities below. Of course, we welcome you to donate to these organizations on your own. Please click the links below to view their sites and contribute.  

Sally Hoelscher

Sally Hoelscher (she/her) is a crossword constructor, editor, and blogger. She lives in the crossword-friendly state of Iowa with her husband and her extremely needy cat, Willow. She enjoys taking road trips to visit the National Parks, reading, and collecting mugs. (We don't talk about how many mugs there actually are in said collection...)

Trent Evans

Trent Evans (he/him) is a clinical psychologist living in Catonsville, MD. He has five adult children, three of whom are in college. His wife Beth is a yoga teacher whose long-suffering exposure to groanworthy wordplay and questionable Google searches has been rewarded by a sporadic showering of dozens of dollars from NYT, LAT, Universal, USA Today, AVCX, Puzzmo, and others. He plays jazz trumpet, classical piano, and seeks out absurdity and irony wherever they can be found.

Christina Iverson

Christina Iverson (she/her) is a puzzle editor at the New York Times where she manages the Bonus Crossword and Easy Mode, and contributes to the daily crossword, the Mini, and Strands. When she's not working on crosswords, you can usually find her playing one of the many variations of UNO with her 4 and 7 year old (you would not believe how many variations there are!), reading, biking, or working on a jigsaw puzzle.

Will Eisenberg

Will (he/him) is a French horn player, music teacher, and puzzlemaker in the Twin Cities. He’s the current third horn of Orchestra Iowa, and part of the leadership team for Lil AVCX. He's a fan of the Timberwolves, an avid video gamer, and enjoys reading fantasy and sci-fi. More of his puzzles can be found on the blog Half-Baked Puzzles.

Jeanne Breen

Jeanne Breen (she/her) is an infectious disease physician, voracious reader, lap swimmer, animal lover, movie buff, student of baseball, and a lifelong resident of the Northeast (currently, in Old Saybrook, CT with her winsome chihuahua, Griffin). She’s enjoyed solving crosswords and other word puzzles for many years and started constructing in the spring of 2023. Her puzzles have appeared in NYT, WSJ, LA Times, USA Today, Universal, and Gin and Grapefruit.

Jem Burch

Jem Burch (he/him) is a senior at Yale University studying linguistics and Russian language. He is originally from the San Fernando Valley in Southern California (the namesake valley of the term ‘valley girl’). His crosswords have appeared in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and the Los Angeles Times. In his free time, he enjoys trivia, baking, and cuddling with his dog, Gus (short for Asparagus). Jem is always happy to chat puzzles—he can be reached at

Brad Wilber

Brad Wilber (he/him) is a librarian and a writer originally from central New York. His crossword constructing resume includes many themeless puzzles, both solo and in collaboration. He was the last editor (2014-2020) of the now-discontinued Chronicle of Higher Education crossword. More recently, besides his work at Boswords, he has become part of the testing team at the New York Times.

John Lieb

John Lieb (he/him) teaches Math and coaches football and baseball at The Roxbury Latin School where he enjoys dressing up for Pi Day. Thank you for solving with us!!

Andrew Kingsley

Andrew Kingsley (he/him) is in the middle of his 6th year of teaching at the Riverdale Country School, and first year teaching at the UPenn Graduate School of Education. Besides making crosswords, he also likes making chess sets—anything with a grid shape, basically.

2024 Summer Tournament 
2024 Spring Themeless League Scoreboards
2024 Winter Wondersolve Scoreboard
2023 Fall Themeless League Scoreboards
2023 Summer Tournament 
2023 Spring Themeless League Scoreboards
2023 Winter Wondersolve Scoreboard
2022 Fall Themeless League Scoreboards
2022 Summer Tournament 
2022 Spring Themeless League
2022 Winter Wondersolve Scoreboard
2021 Fall Themeless League Scoreboards
2021 Spring Themeless League Scoreboards
2020 Fall Themeless League Scoreboards

          Event Address:

 The Roxbury Latin School

  101 St. Theresa Avenue

West Roxbury, MA, 02132

Note: Parking is FREE. Enter the front gate of the school and we will direct you to the parking lot and the tournament hall. 

Public Transportation

Roxbury Latin is located on the MBTA busline. From Forest Hills Station take either the Charles River bus or the Stimson via Belgrade. Get off on Centre Street at St. Theresa Avenue. The School is at the top of the hill on the right.


An Uber/Lyft ride from Forest Hills (last stop of Orange Line) to Roxbury Latin costs approximately $15.

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